
Hey there friends!

Did you purchase a big girl camera and it has just been sitting on the shelf with absolutely no idea how to use the darn thing?!

Are you frustrated reading your 1000 page manual and can't figure out why your photos aren't turning out the way you want...i mean you have the same type of camera you see pros why don't your photos look like theirs?!

If you're frustrated with your photos, but don't know how to fix them, you're not alone!

Join me for a beginners camera class and let's make it click!


Kellyn Wilson Photography: Let's Make It Click




You will Learn:

Camera Basics

  • keeping your gear safe

  • understanding and manipulating light

  • how to think like a photographer

  • composition

  • refining your artistic eye

  • exposure, light meters and camera presets

  • & much more!

***As a bonus, I will also show you how to make the most of that smart phone when it's the only thing you have handy. That's right—I'll reveal the secrets of my two favorite smart phone camera apps and show you how to take gorgeous photos with them.***


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Frequently Asked Questions & Details

q-iconWhere and when will the class take place?

Class will take place on >>>at >>> Once you tell me "your in" and sign up for class, I will send you an invoice and welcome email with directions and detailed information.

Additionally, to ensure that all participants can get the most out of their experience, with the exception of nursing infants, no children under the age of 12 may attend the photo class.


q-iconWhat's your refund policy?

Seats are limited, all sales are final and refunds will not be given for any reason {this includes no shows, scheduling conflicts, etc}.  Please check your calendar prior to booking!

q-iconWhat kind of camera do I need for this class?

While you are welcome to attend with any camera, you’ll be able to fully participate and get the most out of the class if you have a DSLR {a camera with interchangeable lenses} or mirrorless camera with the capability to shoot in manual mode.  Some point and shoot cameras have this capability as well. I encourage you to look at your manual to see what your camera can do!  You can also google “can a {insert camera model} shoot in manual mode?” to get your answer!

q-icon I have a smartphone that takes awesome photos, can I just bring that to class?

I agree, Smartphone cameras have made huge improvements over the years but they just don't compare or compete with a DSLR or other quality cameras.    Additionally, with a smartphone you don’t have the ability to shoot in manual mode, which is what I will be teaching you in class. With that being said, you are better off bringing your big girl camera. Keep in mind that I will be showing you some neat tricks you can use with your smartphone so please bring that with you!

q-icon I don't know anything about photography...will I be able to handle this class?

Absolutely!  I’m going to start EVERYONE at the very beginning with how to hold your camera and move on from there!  As silly as it sounds, many people who own DSLR’s don’t even know how to hold them correctly.  We are going to start at the very beginning and by the end of the class you will be a rock star!